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Tropical fruits

Tropical fruits are becoming more and more popular with consumers all over the world. However, with some people, this kind of fruit seems to be something quite new. Especially, some of them have exotic shapes.  Today’s article hopes to give you a clear view of tropical fruit, especially, for consumers and importers around the world. Let’s get started

Planting area

The fruits are grown in the tropics where there are only two seasons: dry and rainy throughout the year. They mainly grow and develop in South America, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia

Tropical fruits and vegetables

Currently, there are more than 134 types of tropical fruits and vegetables. However, this does not mean that all of these 134 fruits appear in a certain region. Instead, each region has each own typical fruits. For example, let’s take a look at Vietnam- a tropical country in Southeast Asia. When referring to this country, we can not help mentioning dragon fruits (pitahaya)– a red-skinned fruit with white or red-fleshed), purple passion fruit, rambutan, watermelon, star apple, lychee, longan, langsat, plum, star fruit. 


Characteristics of tropical fruits

The fruits have a very special flavor. “Tropical taste” is the best word to describe this term. They have unique smells which are very fascinating and unmistakable that makes everyone unforgettable. They have special sweet flavors like the first love. No matter how many people you have met in your entire life, they are still the very first time. The feeling you have with them is extremely special. The same with the feeling tropical fruits give you, once tasted, forever wanted.

If you are in doubt, just try and feel. 

passion fruits and dragon fruit

Nutritional value

Growing and developing in the harsh tropical climate with just dry and rainy season, the tropical tree exactly expresses the saying that “every cloud has a silver lining”. Yes, all of their effort to try to survive in harsh weather is to gain priceless fruits. 

The fruits from tropical trees contain nutrients.

  1. It is rich in antioxidants that help to minimize the production of free radicals that cause skin aging in our body. 
  2. It is a rich source of fiber which helps enhance the digestive system and prevents constipation.
  3. The tropical fruits have a lot of vitamins and minerals that are very helpful for the consumer. 
  4. Typically, they help strengthen the immune system and prevent cancer such as passion fruit. 
Tropical fruit

How to eat?

Because of its rich nutrient content, but all of them are easily lost during processing, storage, and cooking so the best way is to directly consume, or make salads to keep is high nutritional value.

Where to buy tropical fruits?

Today, it is easy to import and export to other countries. So, it is possible for those who are living in temperate countries wanting to enjoy the tropical taste. Tropical fruits are available at supermarkets of many countries around the world. All you need to do is to just come and choose for yourself some. 

For importers, contact us at [email protected] for any details about tropical fruits.