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Lychee: Litchi fruit, nutritional value, lychee fruit near me.

Lychee: Litchi fruit, nutritional value, lychee fruit near me

Lychee is becoming one of the most popular fruits in many countries not only in Asia but also in America and Europe. What makes this tropical fruit famous? The following details definitely help clarify this question.

What is lychee?

Lychee, also known as litchi or lichi is an evergreen tree of the soapberry family. The tree is grown for its edible fruit. This tropical plant is native to the Fujian and Guangdong provinces of southeastern China. 

The litchi tree produces small fleshy fruits. The fruit is round to oval in shape. Its roughly textured skin color ranges from yellow to pinkish or red. The edible portion of the fruit, the sweet flesh is succulent, white and translucent. There is a shiny, dark brown seed inside the flesh.

Planting area

The most favorable conditions for the development of lychee is the tropical climate with high summer heat, rainfall, and humidity. This plant is best on well-drained, slightly acidic soils rich in organic matter and mulch

Litchi originated in the north tropical rainforests and mountain forests of Southern China. After that, it has spread from there to other countries in Southeast Asia, parts of India, South Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, the Caribbean, Brazil,  Israel, Australia, and the southeastern United States.

Nutritional value and health benefits

Litchi is an abundant supply of source or nutrients. 


In 100 fruit fresh, there are 66 calories. Instead of saturated fats or cholesterol, this tropical fruit is composed of good amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Many studies found that oligonol, a low molecular weight polyphenol, is mostly found in lychee fruit. Oligonol is believed to compose a plentiful of anti-oxidant and anti-influenza virus actions. Moreover, oligonol helps improve blood flow to organs, lose weight, and protects the skin from harmful UV rays. 

Lychee, like passion fruits, is an excellent supply of vitamin-C. A 100g of fresh fruits provide 71.5 mg, equivalent to 119% of daily recommended value. Daily consumption of vitamin C helps the human body oppose the infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.

Additionally, litchi is an abundant source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, and folates. These vitamins help the body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats.

The fruit also contains many minerals, especially potassium, and copper. While the potassium directly affects on controlling heart rate and blood pressure; thus, it offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases, copper takes responsibility for the production of red blood cells.

On the other hand, many other beneficial compounds of the litchi are listed in the table above.

How to eat lychee?


Similarly to rambutan, the seed and the skin of litchi are inedible. So, before consuming the flesh, it is important to remove them. The flavor is so unique. It is somewhat similar to a mix of pear, grape, rosewater or floral flavors. The fruit can be directly consumed or added to fruit salad pairs. Also, it pairs well with ice cream. Moreover, a lychee smoothie is a smart choice, too. Especially, dried litchi fruit is a must-have for your snack. 

Where to buy?


Lychee is a well-known kind of fruit in China and Southeast Asia. Especially, “Thanh Ha” litchi – a famous type in Vietnam with high-quality would definitely satisfy the most discerning diner. Contact us via [email protected] to get the freshest and best-quality lychee. We are waiting for you. Thank you. 

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Rambutan: What is a rambutan and rambutan nutrition

What is rambutan?

Rambutan is the edible fruits of the rambutan tree- a medium-sized tropical tree. The tree is commonly grown in various countries throughout tropical Southeast Asia, but it is the most well-known as a specialty of Vietnam. 

It has an exotic exterior with the round to oval shape and covered with fleshy pliable spines outside. Although the spines look sharp, they are definitely soft. The spines help transpire the water, which can affect the fruit’s quality outside. When the fruit is ripe, its skin becomes red.

The fruit flesh is translucent, whitish with a sweet, mildly acidic flavor.

Planting area

Derived from the humid tropical Southeast Asia, the rambutan is one of the best-known fruits of the region. On the other hand, the tree is also widely grown in the tropics including Africa, the Caribbean islands, Panama, Costa Rica, India, Honduras, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and the island of Puerto Rico.

Nutritional value

The rambutan fruit concludes many different vitamins and minerals. 

The total amount of calories in 100g rambutan meat up to 82kcal. 

In 100 grams of flesh, there are around 1.3–2 grams of fiber which are similar to what our body gets when consuming the same quantity of apples, oranges or pears.

This fruit is also an abundant supply of vitamin C- a nutrient helps absorb dietary iron more easily. Also, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, protecting our body’s cells against damage. Daily eating 5–6 rambutans will meet 50% of your daily vitamin C needs. 

Furthermore, rambutan fruits offer copper. This mineral plays an important role in the growth and maintenance of various cells, including those of your bones, brain, and heart.

On the other hand, it contains a significant amount of potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc as well. Eating 100 grams of fruit equivalent to about four fruits that will satisfy 20% of our daily copper needs and about 2–6% of the daily recommended amount of the other nutrients. 

How to eat?


The skin and the seed are inedible, so removing them is necessary. The fruit flesh is very great. It can be directly consumed. Its flavor is similar to the lychee fruit, longan… but slightly more tart. It is considered a snack. Also, the rambutan also delicious muddled into cocktails or paired with other fruits in a tropical salad. 

Where to buy rambutan?

It’s no coincidence that Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam is famous for rambutan. The humid tropical climate of Vietnam is very favorable for the growth and development of rambutan. As a result, the fruit here has the best quality ever. For more details, please feel free to contact us via [email protected] 

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