Coronavirus Tips: Protect yourself and strengthen your immunity

By L.a.
The crowd is the fastest place to spread the virus, so the best way to protect yourself from the virus is to stay at home and follow the “Shelter in Place” order of the government. Coronavirus makes the world situation a lot more complicated. The novel coronavirus has not only serious effects on the global economy, but also human beings on all of the corners of the world. Up to now, there are 204 countries, areas and territories with cases. According to the latest WHO report, The United States now has the highest number of confirmed cases of coronavirus in the world, followed by Italy and China. Be aware of the serious effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, WHO and many local public health authorities make recommendations to protect citizen’s health. Take care of your health by doing the following:
Control the infection
Stay away from the crowds, follow the “Shelter in Place”order.
The crowd is the fastest place to spread the virus, so the best way to protect yourself from the virus is to stay at home and follow the “Shelter in Place” order of the government.

2. In force majeure circumstances that you need to go out, please wear a mask.
“The coronavirus basicly spreads through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose“
3. Frequently wash your hands with Alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

Strengthen your Immunity
1. Drink a lot of water.
Boost your immunity by drinking plenty of water to stave off infection. Drinking water helps eliminate toxins and other bacteria and viruses.

2. Regularly exercise and play sports.
Do not let disease prevent you from sports activities. If you are self-isolating, don’t worry because there are many kinds of ways for fitness at home such as doing yoga, plank or even doing the housework. In case you can go outside.

3. Provide with vitamin C .
Vitamin C is rich in many kinds of fruits and vegetables such as guava, orange, cauliflower, strawberry, especially passion fruit. It is estimated that 100g of passion fruit includes 30mg of vitamin C. According to the researchers at Harvard Medical University, the daily intake of vitamin C should be at least 75mg for adult women, and 90mg for a man. This is equivalent to consuming 2-3 passion fruits per day. .

Disinfect everything
Virus, germ and bacteria are obviously invisible to the naked eye. There is an ugly truth that personal items such as computers, watches, phones, keys…contain plenty of bacteria. Cleaning them helps reduce the risk of coronavirus infection by a disinfecting wipe or alcohol solution (at least 70 percent).

Keep your soul healthy.

Relax your mind and avoid stress because stress leads to a weakened immune system. Then, it will be easy to get illness.
The pandemic causes us to panic, most of us are wondering who is next? Is that me?
Actually, we don’t need to worry. As long as you are strictly complying with the “Shelter in Place” order, keeping a healthy lifestyle and staying positive, then nothing can break you down.